What I like to read and see

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The week of sick

I have been sick.  uuuuuugggg and blaaahhhh. Olivia was sick with me.  She is such a fun person to be sick with.  We laughed, snuggled, watched tv, read and played games on my phone and her ds the whole time. We were quarantined to her room because we did not want the boys to get the flu. She is reading purple princess (really cute book) There is one part in this book that someone points out that a east er egg design looks like an elephant.  She laughed so hard and read it to me like 12x Every time she read it she laughed harder.  Of course I laughed as well because she is so cute and that she found it so funny.

Rebekah the legend in her self. Rebekah the woman that will stand the test of time. Rebekah the friend that there are no words to describe. Rebekah the friend that came over and hung out with me when I was about to go stir crazy. She stayed for about 4 hours.  We had no idea that it had been that long and we looked at the time and was so shocked. I'm not really sure what all we talked about except that we BOUNCE from subject to subject and we laugh.  Thank you friend for coming and hanging out.

Monday the kids were out of school and I was still sick.  The kids were all ready to go out and play and get out of the house.  So they did. :) Spencer came home with so many scratches that it looked like we had a new kitten that did not like him at all.  Olivia went to Shelby's and they did not have one fight I think that is a record for her house.  I went down a little later in the eve to drop off some stuff and I looked at Shimmy and about had a heart attack.  I was hanging on to the door jam like it was going to save me.  OMG I am so stupid I know.

I made ALMOND CRUSTED CHICKEN and noodles with sun dried pesto sauce for dinner.  Everyone loved it.  Dakota had 5 helpings.  I know wow, he even had 2nds on the green beans.   I'm not sure what I am making tonight but we have 9th grade orientation we will see if we make it through the night.  Am I old enough to have a 9th grader?  I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!! YOU are amazing, and I am soo glad we are friends! AND yes I AM LEGEND!!! :) - Love ya, Rebekah Lynn
