SOOOO. We had our cheer party for the 2010 season. We cheered for 3 football teams did 3 peprallys and a parade. I had 12 girls on the squad and it was a blast. Each girl is so diffrent and special in there own way. Each one of them brings something to the feild that makes our squad unique. Of course we have to be UNIQUE because we are the GridIron Divas. We had the party at a hotel and did the slumber party thing. Two other mammas stayed the night and we giggled as much as the girls.
1> We went swimming in the mini swim park (the lagoon). They had been in the pool for about 20 min and this woman came up to me and one other mom "There is a fire in the building they need everyone to eveacuate now." We look at her kinda funny and then we look to the other side of the pool and people are waving people out of the pool in a frantic motion. Of course we start yelling for all my 13 girls to get out of the pool. (we had a sister with us at this time) We make it out of the pool little girls dripping water with every step they take and asking are we already finished swiming? I tell them no this is a fire drill like at school. We are half way through the lobby and they say it is a false alarm. We turn around and head back into the fun. There were 3 moms upstairs (6th floor) putting things away. They had to walk all the way down as the sirens are blaring in there ears. My poor mommas that I love.
I get into the pool and swim with all my girls go down the slide and let them hang on me like the monkeys they are. We had a blast and my evil mommas (yes the three that I said I loved) well that was before I knew they were taking pics of me in my swim suite. UGGG paybacks are coming.
2>We head back up to the room and changed into our pjs (of course later in the eve we are having a pj fashion show) Food is served and the girls sit down to open there gifts. They all loved the necklace that was given.
of course our night was not finished but that part is ours to keep you know because girls have to have secrets or they are not girls.