What I like to read and see

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things I can't do any more


I know this is going to sound crazy, BUT I can not think of anything that I can't do. NOW there are some things that I wont do.  I can still skate (I do roller skate as often as I can) ride bikes (not in my underwear but I don't remember ever doing that and not while I smoke. I think that is a double standard. you know like jumbo shrimp. Idiot Idiot that is a good title for that pic) roller coasters (I love them but my husband has to ride them before he will let me because he does not want to hear me complain about throwing up. lol I have always had an issue with motion)

Ok so I don't act crazy with my friends. OH wait yes I do.
I don't act like a kid anymore.  OH again yes I do.
I don't dance around my house anymore pretending to be Madonna.  OK that one is right now it is Katy Perry and Sugarland.

I hope this gives some crazy fun kid skating dancing in my underwear insight to me.

Love K

The week of sick

I have been sick.  uuuuuugggg and blaaahhhh. Olivia was sick with me.  She is such a fun person to be sick with.  We laughed, snuggled, watched tv, read and played games on my phone and her ds the whole time. We were quarantined to her room because we did not want the boys to get the flu. She is reading purple princess (really cute book) There is one part in this book that someone points out that a east er egg design looks like an elephant.  She laughed so hard and read it to me like 12x Every time she read it she laughed harder.  Of course I laughed as well because she is so cute and that she found it so funny.

Rebekah the legend in her self. Rebekah the woman that will stand the test of time. Rebekah the friend that there are no words to describe. Rebekah the friend that came over and hung out with me when I was about to go stir crazy. She stayed for about 4 hours.  We had no idea that it had been that long and we looked at the time and was so shocked. I'm not really sure what all we talked about except that we BOUNCE from subject to subject and we laugh.  Thank you friend for coming and hanging out.

Monday the kids were out of school and I was still sick.  The kids were all ready to go out and play and get out of the house.  So they did. :) Spencer came home with so many scratches that it looked like we had a new kitten that did not like him at all.  Olivia went to Shelby's and they did not have one fight I think that is a record for her house.  I went down a little later in the eve to drop off some stuff and I looked at Shimmy and about had a heart attack.  I was hanging on to the door jam like it was going to save me.  OMG I am so stupid I know.

I made ALMOND CRUSTED CHICKEN and noodles with sun dried pesto sauce for dinner.  Everyone loved it.  Dakota had 5 helpings.  I know wow, he even had 2nds on the green beans.   I'm not sure what I am making tonight but we have 9th grade orientation we will see if we make it through the night.  Am I old enough to have a 9th grader?  I don't think so.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A new page

I am starting a new page. You ask why not a new chapter? Well I am a page kind of girl I just cant commit to a chapter just yet.  Hopefully this will be a new year of new ideas and new things to try.  Like this tied I'm trying out.  (Can you figure out what the word is TIED) if you can let me know.  I do not feel any different but hopefully I will soon.  If not I have learned a lot about Clete and I both.

I have this new adorable friend.  Well we met during football but we are just now becoming friends.  She is crazy wonderful and I love spending time with her.  Bec and I had this crazy idea to start working out with each other at 5:00 AM.  I know if we are going to start something then why not doing it at more of a sensible hour of the day.  Not us.  We do have a lot of fun we laugh the whole time and make fun of the one of the ladies on the Zumba video.  Of course you can not forget Roberto he make is all go by so fast.  Some mornings Kat joins us and then OMG we are silly.  I think it is because we are all crazy but also because we are all still asleep.

Something else new that I am trying on for size is a book called "Made to Crave".  It is a book about how God made us to crave just not food we were made to crave him.  Check it out and let me know what you think. You can find it on Proverbs31.com and madetocrave.org


Catch you on the next page

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The life of a cheerleader

SOOOO. We had our cheer party for the 2010 season.  We cheered for 3 football teams did 3 peprallys and a parade.  I had 12 girls on the squad and it was a blast.  Each girl is so diffrent and special in there own way.  Each one of them brings something to the feild that makes our squad unique. Of course we have to be UNIQUE because we are the GridIron Divas.  We had the party at a hotel and did the slumber party thing.  Two other mammas stayed the night and we giggled as much as the girls. 

1> We went swimming in the mini swim park (the lagoon). They had been in the pool for about 20 min and this woman came up to me and one other mom "There is a fire in the building they need everyone to eveacuate now." We look at her kinda funny and then we look to the other side of the pool and people are waving people out of the pool in a frantic motion.  Of course we start yelling for all my 13 girls to get out of the pool. (we had a sister with us at this time) We make it out of the pool little girls dripping water with every step they take and asking are we already finished swiming?  I tell them no this is a fire drill like at school.  We are half way through the lobby and they say it is a false alarm.  We turn around and head back into the fun.  There were 3 moms upstairs (6th floor) putting things away.  They had to walk all the way down as the sirens are blaring in there ears.  My poor mommas that I love. 

I get into the pool and swim with all my girls go down the slide and let them hang on me like the monkeys they are.  We had a blast and my evil mommas (yes the three that I said I loved) well that was before I knew they were taking pics of me in my swim suite.  UGGG paybacks are coming.

2>We head back up to the room and changed into our pjs (of course later in the eve we are having a pj fashion show) Food is served and the girls sit down to open there gifts. They all loved the necklace that was given. 

of course our night was not finished but that part is ours to keep you know because girls have to have secrets or they are not girls.